Our Impact

The Economic Impacts of Climate Change in Florida's Rural Areas
Environmental Defense Fund - Florida | 2021
Almost half of Florida’s counties are classified as rural, clustered within the Everglades watershed to the south and the Big Bend/Panhandle region in the north. As Map 2 shows, most “urban” counties also contain large areas of rural communities, seen as the gray areas outside of the yellow urban area boundaries. For this reason, county level analysis can mask the extent of economic damage inflicted by hurricanes on small businesses in rural, inland areas.
Mason Dixon Poll
NEW POLL: Floridians Support Electric Vehicles and Fully Resourced Chief Resilience Office
EDF released results of a Mason Dixon poll offering insights into climate related priorities for the Florida legislature. The poll showed [strong] support for Senate Bill 514/House Bill 315 by Sen. Rodriguez and Rep. LaMarca which establishes the Statewide Office of Resiliency, a sea level rise task force and full time Chief Resilience Officer and Senate Bill 138/House Bill 817 by Sen. Brandes and Rep. Toledo which establishes a grant program on to enhance electric vehicle (EV) infrastructure.

Rising Tide Sinks All Homes
A Report Prepared with Florida Tax Watch
With more than 8,400 miles of coastline and a flat, low-lying coastal topography, Florida is especially vulnerable to the effects of sea level rise. Tens of thousands of Florida homes and businesses are at increased risk from sea level rise. Much of Florida’s critical infrastructure is at low elevations, designed and built with little consideration of future sea level rise.
Cost of Inaction Report
How climate change threatens Floridians' futures
While Floridians are already experiencing the impacts of climate change — from floods to higher temperatures — a series of threats will compound over the next 20 years if climate change is left unchecked. These near-term climate costs range from higher electricity costs to lower tax revenues and will further strain the state and its residents as Florida seeks to recover from the COVID-19 pandemic, which has battered its economy and taken thousands of lives.

The Energy Insecurity Landscape: Florida
An Analysis Prepared with Southeast Energy Efficiency Alliance
Environmental Defense Fund and Southeast Energy Efficiency Alliance (SEEA) released an analysis showing the energy insecurity being faced statewide by Floridians. Data points toward outsized energy cost burdens facing Florida’s small towns and more rural communities.
In addition to energy costs, the analysis also examined Florida’s market for jobs in energy efficiency and renewable energy. Energy efficiency is the leading source of energy employment in the state. In fact, Florida is home to just over 5% of all energy efficiency jobs in the nation. The state’s energy efficiency workforce has grown almost 10% since 2017. Florida is also one of the leading U.S. states in overall renewable energy employment, and the market in renewable energy jobs has grown by 26% since 2017.