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Electric Vehicles

Florida voters overwhelmingly support the transition to electric vehicles (EVs) as a clean energy alternative and more cost-effective mode of transportation. By taking a leadership role implementing policies that support market demand and its associated infrastructure will ensure Florida is ready for the future of transportation.

  • Ensure that no new fees are imposed which unfairly punish consumers, businesses, and local governments for acquiring electric vehicles.

  • Allocate funding and establish a timeline for the State's Electric Vehicle Master Plan to ensure charging infrastructure will meet emergency and hurricane evacuation demand.

  • Update state fleet procurement to consider lowest cost over life of ownership and realize $8.7 billion in cost savings for Florida taxpayers.


65% of Floridians support reducing taxes/fees to encourage Electric Vehicles


Florida has the 2nd highest number of registered EVs in the country at a 6.7% adoption rate


$8.7B in estimated cost savings by Florida taxpayers if the state transitioned to electric vehicle fleets

The Research

Electric School Buses vs Propane: Cleaner, Cheaper, Safer

School districts around the country are making the choice to use electric school buses because they are more fuel efficient, cheaper on a lifetime basis, and above all, they are the safest option for children because they do not release direct tailpipe pollution.

Electric School Buses: The Economic Case

School districts around the country are making the choice to use electric school buses because they are more fuel efficient, cheaper on a lifetime basis, and above all, they are the safest option for children because they do not release direct tailpipe pollution.


Electric vehicles (EVs) play an important role as Florida looks for ways to increase resilience to catastrophic storms, reduce transportation costs and reduce air pollution.Currently, Florida ranks 2nd in the nation in EV ownership with over 100,000+ EVs registered in the state. In the wake of recent hurricanes, it’s important to evaluate how Floridians benefit from electric vehicles during extreme weather events.

Electric Vehicles & Extreme Weather

USF: Florida Electric Vehicle Fee Assessment

Florida is thinking about an annual EV fee to offset gas tax loss. What is a fair fee? Dive into the details in this USF study. The current study assumes that a typical light-duty PHEV in Florida will use approximately half the amount of gasoline used by a typical ICE vehicle, and thus will pay approximately half the amount of gas taxes contributed by a typical conventional vehicle.

Electric Fleets: Saving Florida Taxpayers


Economic analysis using mid-range gas price projections showcases potential $5.4 billion in fuel cost savings by converting Florida’s state owned vehicles to electric. In addition to reducing pollution, taxpayers could avoid another $3.3 billion in maintenance cost savings over the life of the vehicles.

Punitive Tax Penalizes Vehicle Choice

The right approach should be one that is balanced and based on how intensively our roads are used


Important opportunities have emerged that could significantly enhance your community’s transition toward cleaner, greener transportation options

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